This site is undergoing some upgrades and improvements so please bear with us as we are trying to keep the magic smoke inside where it belongs.
The Great Falls Area Amateur Radio Club serves Amateur Radio Operators located in Cascade County and surrounding areas of North Central Montana.
Montana's Ham Radio Forum
Join Montana's Ham radio operators on this forum and see what is currently happening in Big Sky country.
Become a Member of GFAARC
Become a member of the Great Falls Area Amateur Radio Club and join in the many activities this club participates in.
Glacier Waterton Hamfest
GFAARC is a founding member of the "Oldest" Hamfest in the world. Join us and many other Hams for this fun filled annual event!
Konceptio Data Services
Konceptio Data Services (KDSMT) is a proud sponsor of GFAARC. They graciously provide internet services to our ARES/Aux Communications room as well as the club meeting site. Our deepest appreciation goes out to Robert (Owner) and Heather W7BZZ(Lead Technician) for their continued support! :-)